Audio Visual Room & Computer Lab
The school has high-tech computer solutions with more than 30 advanced computers with LAN and internet services through wireless connectivity, and LCD projection systems, hardware and software, digital cameras, printers, scanners, plotters, photocopying machine and video cameras etc. all are the back bone of our infrastructure. Advance graphics lab is equipped with 30 computers with advanced configurations, a central control room, audio – visual projection facilities and a central data archiving center. As a part of MMHSS’s pursuit to be technologically in synch with the times, the following hardware and systems were installed in the college:
Intel Xeon Servers,
Advanced Networking Equipment from CISCO,
HP Graphics work station,
Advance firewall security system,
NAS – Network Attached Storage data back-up system of 2TB capacity.
Advance NComputing System in Computer Lab.
A new utility center was started for the students and faculty of the college with facilities for printing, plotting, scanning, photocopying and free stations for internet browsing.
Science Lab (Chemistry & Physics)
Since laboratories were introduced in the late 1800s, the goals of higher school science education have changed. Today, higher school science education aims to provide scientific literacy for all as part of a liberal education and to prepare students for further study, work, and citizenship.
Mount Mary Hr. Sec School has all the latest and finest quality equipment’s for all the experiments that students will want to conduct. So that laboratory experiences provide opportunities for students to interact directly with the material world (or with data drawn from the material world), using the tools, data collection techniques, models, and theories of science.

Library in MMHSS has open access system. Library is with over 3500 books including text books, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, code books, and data sources books. MHSS Library also has bound volumes, thesis, research report, periodicals; and also has more than 1000 audiovisual materials such as CD, DVD, etc. More than 45 national and international journals, famous books, past students’ work in digital as well as printed format are available. It has internet facility and a large collection of audio and video facilities. A comprehensive, bar coded, computerized library and reading hall equipped with internet connection, email facility, audio video CD and DVD, national and international journals, books, past students work in digital format and photocopying facilities are also available.
Multipurpose Hall
Our Multipurpose Hall which is designed in adherence to the ultra-modern and eco-friendly specifications. It is extensively utilized as an integral domain of the school. Our Multipurpose Hall is an architecturally beautiful structure on the campus.
This multipurpose has a space that could accommodate upto 500 individuals and is acoustically robust; rest-room facilities here are top of the line. For school and community events held during after-school hours, security dictates that it is closed off from the rest of the school while still providing direct access with separate entry point.
This hall is able to handle several forms of technology just like any large lecture hall or classroom. Video, data and electrical outlets have been spaced. A sound system, video-projection system, cable and wireless facility are also provided herein.
More than one lighting system has been installed in our multi utility hall. In addition to serving for business meetings, exhibitions, events, the lighting system has also been able to handle performances and multimedia presentations. We have also built in performance lighting that has spotlights, light controls and a dimmer system. This immensely enhances the overall ambience of the place during any event.

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